
Academic publications

Nadeau, Richard., Erick Lachapelle, and Thomas Bergeron. 2022. “Environment Versus Economy Trade-Off Questions: Measuring the Paler Shades of the Environmental Rainbow Coalition.” International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 34(4): 1-8. Replication.

Merkley, Eric., Thomas Bergeron, Peter John Loewen, Angelo Elias, and Miriam Lapp. 2022. “Communicating safety precautions can help maintain in-person voter turnout during a pandemic.” Electoral Studies, 75: 102421. Pre-print and Replication.

Bergeron, Thomas. and Thomas Galipeau. 2021. “The Political Implications of Personality in Canada.” Canadian Journal of Political Science, 54(2): 292–315. Replication.

Lachapelle, Erick., Thomas Bergeron, Richard Nadeau, Jean-Francois Daoust, Ruth Dassonneville, and ́Eric Belanger. 2021. “Citizens willingness to support new taxes for COVID-19measures and the role of trust.” Politics & Policy, 49(3): 534–565. Pre-print

You can also find my articles on my Google Scholar profile.